Time to relax text on the beach in Salt Lake City, UT | Santosh Yoga Institute

Unwind With These Relaxing Yoga Postures

A warm welcome to all Yoga enthusiasts! As we continue exploring the vast ocean of Yogic knowledge, let us learn how Yoga relaxes our body and boosts our physical fitness. We have scrolled through pictures of complex Yoga postures several times, wondering if it is possible to achieve such physical flexibility! There is a lot…

Ancient Gurukul System in Salt Lake City, UT | Santosh Yoga Institute

The Ancient Gurukul System Of India

Gurukul is a combination word made by joining two Sanskrit language words, Guru, which means teacher or master, and kula, which means home. The Gurukul system was widely prevalent in many parts of India for centuries. Following the plan, parents sent their children to stay with their Guru in his house and master various arts…

Beautiful Yoga Vector in Salt Lake City, UT | Santosh Yoga Institute

This Is How Yoga Helps You Be Ready For Season Changes

There is something special about the first heap of orange leaves in Fall, the first snow of the year, and the first sizzle of your summer barbecue! Every changing season brings renewed joy and hopes to people’s lives. Sadly, season changes also mean allergies, flu, and other health issues. Children and adults are equally affected…